the SusTINable Times

Our 2022 Sustainability Report

August 1, 2023

With great enthusiasm we presented our 2022 Sustainability Report, which shows our main economic, social and environmental results in the last year.   We are very proud of our progress, which proves that -at Minsur- we live out our purpose and make it true. Furthermore, we recognize the significance of sustainability as a fundamental pillar […]

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Dear strategic partners:

May 8, 2023

We are pleased to share with you the latest news about our organization, and with it the good news about our San Rafael mining unit resuming operations in Puno in March 22, after they were suspended due to demonstrations causing turmoil in our country. Though we are in times of uncertainty, because of the local […]

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We launched our Diversity and Inclusion policy

May 8, 2023

Minsur promotes a diverse and inclusive culture with equal opportunities for all. Thus, we recently launched our corporate Diversity and Inclusion policy. We are convinced that every person is unique and valuable, and thus we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming work environment for everyone. In this line, our policy sets forth a […]

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Craftswomen are the protagonists of their development

May 8, 2023

In the midst of our resumed commitments for shared development between Minsur and the districts in our area of influence, we have been implementing activities to strengthen our relationships and mutual trust. To give you an example, the talent of craftswomen of Ajoyani district -who make beautiful garments with alpaca fibers- was acknowledged at a […]

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Leaders in prevention!

May 8, 2023

Over 400 employees of our different mining units participated in the Award for individual contributions to health and safety, called Trophy MINSEGUR, ZERO, is possible! Thus, seven employees were awarded because of their leadership and commitment to promote health and safety in their work environment, in an emotional ceremony led by our CEO, Juan Luis […]

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ITA: The tin industry will face opportunities and challenges in the next decade

May 8, 2023

The Sustainability Standards Manager of the International Tin Association (ITA), Mayra Díaz del Olmo, visited us at our Pisco plant to learn about our smelting and refining processes. She met with our Pisco plant’s Operation Manager, Ivo Serkovic, and with executives of different departments, with whom she talked about relevant issues for the tin industry, […]

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#Sustainability: “We improve lives, transforming minerals into wellbeing”

February 24, 2023

Interview to Jessica Vásquez, Minsur’s Sustainability Superintendent. Corresponsables (@Corresponsables) MINSUR is a company that systematically asks itself how to do things better. In 2022, Minsur defined its corporate purpose: “We improve lives, transforming minerals into wellbeing”, which makes them work much more focused on people and boost their contribution to wellbeing and development.  How is MINSUR […]

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“Let’s save our beaches”: clean-up days in Pisco and San Andres

February 24, 2023

Committed to the care of our environment and the wellbeing of our community, we joined two major campaigns to clean up the beaches and wetlands of Pisco and San Andrés, in the southern department of Ica. Over 200 volunteers participated in these actions, removing more than 9,500 kilos of solid waste, including debris collected from the coastline and garbage, […]

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Minsur in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2023

February 24, 2023

We are among the leading mining companies with the best sustainability practices worldwide Minsur S.A. appeared in the top 15% companies with best sustainability score in the mining and metal sector, according to the last S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Due to this result, we have been included as a Sustainability Yearbook member. This […]

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Evolution in the relationship between the mining industry and the communities

February 24, 2023

Minsur’s Framework agreement with Antauta and Ajoyani district, and a new transforming dialogue-based approach for concerted local development Within a very complex context for the mining industry in the country, characterized by high levels of tension and conflict, Minsur had the challenge to implement a new dialogue and engagement strategy that could change relationships between […]

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