Committed to the care of our environment and the wellbeing of our community, we joined two major campaigns to clean up the beaches and wetlands of Pisco and San Andrés, in the southern department of Ica.
Over 200 volunteers participated in these actions, removing more than 9,500 kilos of solid waste, including debris collected from the coastline and garbage, which causes a negative impact to health and biodiversity.
Minsur S.A. joins these initiatives as part of our “Saving beaches” program, which promotes the appropriate management of solid waste by the citizenship to avoid polluting our beaches.
The campaigns were led by the municipalities of Pisco and San Andrés, in coordination with Minsur, the Association of fishmeal and fish oil producers (APROPISCO), the recycling associations Mares y Ciudad Limpia de San Andrés and Pisco Verde Recicla, environmental promoters of the Municipal Program EDUCCA in Pisco and San Andrés, the Air Force and the National Police.