
Minsur is part of the S&P/BVL Peru General ESG Index

July 17, 2024

Our efforts and commitment to sustainability have been awarded internationally for the third consecutive year; we have been included in the S&P/BVL Peru General ESG Index. Thus, we are within the top 15% of mining companies with the best sustainability practices worldwide, an honor we received with pride and responsibility, reflecting Minsur’s efforts to promote […]

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Juan Luis Kruger: “We have a great team, a clear strategy, and we work to fulfill our purpose.”

July 17, 2024

Our CEO, Juan Luis Kruger, was recognized for the third consecutive year as the most profitable CEO in Peru, according to the Semana Económica magazine. In this regard, he pointed out some of the key aspects of his successful management of Minsur: “We have a great team, a clear strategy, and we stay focused, even […]

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Minsur is the first Peruvian company awarded by the renowned Shingo Institute

March 27, 2024

We are proud to tell you that our Smelting plant and Refinery of Pisco has been awarded with the bronze medallion by the Shingo Institute, a well-known program within the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. This award emphasizes the implementation of our LinGo program and the continuous improvement practices developed […]

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For the second year in a row, Minsur is one of the mining companies with the best sustainable practices in the world

March 27, 2024

Minsur has been included again in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, and it is the only Peruvian mining company in the list. These results make us proud, since they reflect our unbreakable commitment to sustainable and transparent management, that incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into our business strategy. The renowned 2024 Sustainability Yearbook, […]

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We entered into a framework agreement with the Queracucho peasant community

March 27, 2024

Led by our business purpose and our focus on people’s wellbeing, we entered into a Development Framework Agreement with the Queracucho peasant community, located in the area of influence of our San Rafael mining unit, in Puno. The agreement is for five years, and it includes 18 initiatives that address economic, health, education, infrastructure, agriculture, […]

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Minsur´s mobile clinic has served over 2,500 people in Antauta and Ajoyani

March 27, 2024

The healthcare service is part of the commitments set forth in the Framework Agreements entered into by the Peruvian mining company and its surrounding communities. Minsur´s mobile clinic, the first of its kind and designed with cutting-edge technology started operating in January this year, as part of the commitments set forth in the Development Framework […]

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Leading voices:

March 26, 2024

Sustinable Times spoke to our Director of Talent, Transformation and Technology, Álvaro Escalante. He explained how cultural transformation goes beyond the proposed changes, as it adds to the business objectives. • What is LinGo and why is it significant for Minsur’s business management?LinGo is our cultural transformation program, our new way of doing things, with […]

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ISO 37001-2016 certification for our antibribery management system

October 19, 2023

We obtained the ISO 37001-2016 certification for our antibribery management system, which is evidence of our strong and ongoing commitment with integrity and transparency. “This certification shows Minsur´s clear commitment to business ethics and to a proper management of bribery and corruption risks in all our activities”, indicated Eduardo Paseta Spihlmann, Minsur´s Legal Compliance manager.  […]

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We entered into a Cooperation Framework Agreement with Puno region

October 19, 2023

Historic milestone The implementation of several joint initiatives to promote the development of Puno -a region in southern Peru, where our San Rafael mine is located- will be possible thanks to the cooperation framework agreement, entered into by Minsur and the Puno regional government. For instance, the promotion of infrastructure through different technical options, and […]

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We are among the TOP 100 companies with the best reputation in Peru

October 19, 2023

For the second consecutive year, we are among the top 100 companies with the best reputation in the ranking of the prestigious Corporate Reputation Monitor (Merco), climbing 6 positions as compared to 2022. The study gathers and analyzes the different reputation variables related to the perception and opinion of different stakeholders, such as: financial and […]

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