In our eighth annual report we present our commitments and main environmental, social, and governance results in 2021.
Sustainability is the basis of our business strategy. It is how we generate value for our different stakeholders, guided by demanding international standards, such as those set by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), of which we have been part since 2018, as you know.
We are proud to say that in 2021 we made significant progress. For instance, we made the commitment to reach net zero emission before 2050, we adhered to the United Nations Global Compact, and we had the lowest accident frequency rate in Minsur’s history. Furthermore, we allocated more than US$ 105 million to health protocols to protect people’s health and we strengthened our community participation, dialogue and engagement mechanisms, which set the foundations to enter into promising development framework agreements.
We are aware of the increasing challenges, and thus we ratify our commitment to continue working for a sustainable mining industry that improve people’s lives. All the details on our significant achievements and our sustainable management may be further reviewed in the full document, available here.