Our tin production is traceable with blockchain
Minsur has become the world´s first mining company achieving the traceability of 100% of its tin production with blockchain technology.
This technology allows tracing the production sources, i.e. identifying the mine site, product composition, production and sustainability standards applied, as well as certifications and other relevant information for our customers and the global market.
Minsur´s tin traceability is the foundation of an upcoming game changer in the global mineral trade, which will be fairer and more transparent, since this will help addressing the trafficking of conflict-minerals or of those from illegal sources.
We have achieved this in association with Minespider, a German company that has developed a blockchain traceability software for mineral supply chains.
“We have developed sustainability principles for all our operations based on our purpose and corporate values, strengthening our commitment to social and environmental responsibility”, indicated Gonzalo Quijandría, Minsur’s Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability.