After Brumadinho, Minsur is reviewing (how it is done permanently), with the all Engineering of Record (EoRs), for each Mine Tailings Storage Facility the reliability of our geotechnical models, design assumptions and monitoring database. Towards to increase our quality of evaluations, analyses, confidence parameters and management, as example as Actions Plans to achieve them, as follows are listed:
- Conducted more field geotechnical testing
- Increase the quality of geotechnical sampling
- Re-evaluate the potential of static liquefaction
- Re-evaluate the accuracy of relevant geotechnical parameters
- Conducted extraordinary Independent Review Boards
- Verify the deployment of geotechnical control on site
- Review and improve emergency plans.
The Minsur´s methodology define the general and specific guidelines for tailings disposal, as part of the Geotechnical Management Corporate Practices. The following scope describes the critical controls according suggestions of ICMM (International Council on Mining & Metals), the MAC (Mining Association of Canada) and the CDA (Canadian Dam Association).
- Responsible and active levels in the Minsur Corporate Governance.
- External parties (Designer, Engineering of Record) and independent auditors (Independent Review Board, Independent Peer Review).
- Preventive management for the vigilance committee (internal and external members).
- Engineering design criteria, compliance with the operation and maintenance manual.
- Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring: geophysical (accelerations), displacements and pore pressures, hydrological and hydrogeological.
- Criteria for the determination of alert levels according to the monitoring (thresholds).
- Risk Management, contingency and emergency plans.