Within the framework of the World’s Water Day celebration, Minsur renewed its commitment with the continuous improvement in water management. Moreover, access of neighboring communities to quality water services is a social investment priority.
Minsur admission to the ICMM poses a great challenge for an efficient environmental management. Thus, the company is reviewing and improving its water-related policies and standards. To date, the company carries out the following actions:
- Reuses a great part of water used in its operations and aims at using it more efficiently year by year.
- Water returned to the environment is previously treated, suitable for agricultural and livestock activities.
- Has a wide water monitoring system at several points of operations and areas of influence to ensure its quality.
- Implements hydro assets in the communities to store water and for irrigation purposes, as well as for projects improving access to water for human consumption.
- Promotes a caring culture and the protection of natural resources among its workers and communities, emphasizing a responsible use of water.