For Minsur, the World Environment Day is a significant date, since it allows strengthening behaviors and practices for the benefit of the environment, one of our Management pillars, but it is also a day to raise awareness among our stakeholders. Thus, San Rafael and Pucamarca mining units –through their Communication, Environmental and Social Management departments- organized important activities to promote our environmental culture and to strengthen our position as a sustainable company.
In San Rafael, there were waste collection, public cleaning and recycling activities. Before that, there was a presentation targeting the people of Antauta, explaining the mining unit’s environmental management system, and its environmental protection approach.
Similarly, the Environmental Week was organized in Pucamarca, an already institutionalized event in Tacna region, which is led by Minsur with several organizations of that region. Several activities were conducted during this event, such as forums, contests, an environmental fair and eco-biking, as the main examples.