Minsur organized the III Meeting of Strategic Partners, last March 20th. In that event the company shares its guidelines and values with its suppliers and cntractors. The purpose is strengthenign Sustainability and Safety across the value chain, through effective communication and the recognition of good practices.
In this sense, the space was suitable to introduce Breca Group’s philosophy and inititatives on Sustainability to our strategic partners, as well as the principles and committments assumed by Minsur since it entered to the ICMM. Juan Luis Kruger, Minsur’s CEO pointed out that this Peruvian mining company aims at carrying out long-term mining activities in a sustained way, becoming a global benchmark in sustainability. But, for that purpose the full commitment of all partners is required.
Alberto Cárdenas, Operation Manager in Peru, reported Minsur’s activities on Sustainability and Safety in 2018. It emphasized the launch of the Compliance Program and the sustainability assessment of main suppliers and contractors, applying the B-Assessment methodology of B-Lab. Furthermore, he recalled that this year Minsur received the John T. Ryan award for its great Safety performance, but there is still field for improvement towards the zero harm goal.
The meeting also allowed thakfully acknowledging the contribution of our significant partners in Safety. This time the Fire Department of Peru and the institutions played a decisive role rescuing the miners of Pampahuay mine in the center of Peru.
The companies recognized for its good performance in 2018 were the following:
- Ceslog Cesari (Brazil)
- MIQ Logistic
- Tumi Contratistas (Raura)
- IBQ Industrias Químicas Britanite (Taboca)
- Abengoa Perú (Marcobre)
- COSAPI (Project B2)
- Explomin del Perú (Minsur)
Moly-Cop Adesur was recognized as a Sustainable Partner.