Over 400 employees of our different mining units participated in the Award for individual contributions to health and safety, called Trophy MINSEGUR, ZERO, is possible!
Thus, seven employees were awarded because of their leadership and commitment to promote health and safety in their work environment, in an emotional ceremony led by our CEO, Juan Luis Kruger.
“Safety is one of Minsur’s main management pillars, in line with our purpose: improving lives, transforming minerals into wellbeing. Therefore, you are our safety champions”, he remarked.
The evaluation committee assessed 10 criteria: Observance and knowledge of the rules for life and the right to say NO; Safety outside the workplace; Visible leadership actions and positive influence on their colleagues; Opinion on safety in the country; Knowledge of the fatigue and drowsiness risks; among others.
This award is part of our MINSEGUR, ZERO, is Possible! program, a thorough management system based on four fronts: Leadership, Risk Management, Culture, Health and Wellbeing, which has allowed us to achieve the lowest accident rates in the mining industry worldwide consecutively, with zero fatal accidents in 2022.
Furthermore, our Pucamarca mining unit (Tacna) and our smelting plant in Pisco (Ica) were awarded during the XXVI National Safety Competition 2022, organized by the Mining Safety Institute (ISEM).
Pucamarca received an honor plaque in the open pit category, while Pisco did it in the refinery and smelters category.
“The best way to honor our purpose is meeting our safety goals, with safety as one of our values. People are the focus and the center of our decisions”, stated Helman Maldonado, Manager of the Pucamarca Mining Unit.