Up to 100 companies, among large, medium, small and micro companies, will be benefitted with a pilot project that will improve their operations’ social and environmental impact.
With the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America’s support, Minsur and Sistema B entered into a partnership agreement to measure and improve the social and environmental impact of MINSUR and its supply chain. For that purpose, they will use the innovative measuring methodology of B Lab, an international nonprofit organization promoting an economy that measures success in terms of the wellbeing of people, communities and nature.
Minsur will use the B assessment tool in a pilot project to improve social and environmental impact of about one hundred suppliers.
In this regard, Minsur becomes Peru’s and the world’s first mining company applying B Lab’s technology to measure the environmental and social impact in its value chain. Currently, there are over 2.400 B Companies globally, out of which 350 are in Latin America and 13 in Peru.