Minsur’s environmental assets

Sustainable mining is specially concerned with the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources; but it also can and shall assume an active role for preserving its environment.

This is one of MINSUR’s commitments with the international sustainability principles. Its main tin operation, San Rafael MU, has implemented in the last years a complex of water infrastructure in its areas of influence that allows storing over 1’500,000 m3 of water. This investment is part of a larger program for productive livestock development, but with a clear environmental approach, since it allows stabilizing wetlands and ecosystems, as well as addressing climate changes.

It is comprised by family reservoirs, community dams and irrigation channels that have changed the productive and environmental situation of Antauta and Ajoyani districts in Puno. According to the testimonies of the local population, before the program was implemented in 2013, there was no “water harvest” culture.  Currently, they have more than 1.5 million cubic meters of water available, which allows sowing up to 7,000 hectares of pasture for cattle and has restored the wildlife diversity in the area.

Irrigation infrastructure in numbers

1’500.000 m3 of water stored for pasture irrigation

7.000 ha. of new irrigated lands

238 family reservoirs

22 community dams

245 irrigation modules

Over 300 km of artisanal drains