After 2 years of negotiations, Minsur reached an agreement with the Antatuta basin development roundtable to implement several development projects in this area of Melgar province, where San Rafael mine operates.
This document -signed before government authorities, such as the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM), the Commissioner for Peace- includes several commitments for joint works that will benefit hundreds of district residents. Minsur has pledged to implement a large-scale joint social or production project every year.
It also pledges to fund production equipment, such as livestock fences, greenhouses and barns for over 4 million soles. The agreement also includes providing about 25 annual scholarships for young people to study in education centers, such as SENATI, TECSUP, CETEMIN and EPA, besides strengthening local employment.
It is worth indicating that the agreement was closed after negotiations conducted since 2014 in more than 20 meetings. It was endorsed by the PCM and the MEM. The Antauta Basin Development Roundtable is comprised by the leaders of the different areas and neighborhoods of Antauta basin, as well as lieutenant governors and local institutions.
Both Minsur and community representatives will manage government projects and resources to implement important infrastructure works. For example, the technical studies for the Antauta Water and Sanitation project were funded by Minsur, who provided 200 000 US dollars in total.
In Minsur, we hope that this type of proactive spaces can be replicated in other areas of the district, since the objective is to jointly manage social and economic development of the locals. In fact, we are currently conducting another dialogue for development in Ajoyani district, Carabaya province, through which works are being implemented in that area.
This initiative, which is already a reality, shows how mining companies and people can achieve joint, harmonious and responsible development, by playing their corresponding role and aiming at achieving the common good in a transparent way.